Establishment of Malaysian Healthcare Students Alliance (MHSA)

14th February 2021

Student leaders representing the dental, medical and pharmacy field, namely Yasmine Lee (Dental); Daphne Lim, Ong Siu Cheng and Ivanna Sim (Medical) and Jessica Teh (Pharmacy),  have been discussing forming an alliance for the betterment of the healthcare students in Malaysia throughout the few months from October 2020 to February 2021. On 14th February 2021, the Malaysian Healthcare Students Alliance (MHSA) was officially established. It is allied by three pioneer students' organisations in Malaysia, namely Malaysian Dental Students' Association (MDSA), Malaysian Medics International (MMI) , and Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association (MyPSA).

Malaysian Healthcare Students Alliance is a student-led national level healthcare alliance that aims to act as a representative advocate for the collective voice, roles, position, education, and welfare of healthcare students in Malaysia. Apart from voicing out for the healthcare students, we also organise events that would involve multidisciplinary departments. 

Together with MHSA, we endeavor for a better future for healthcare students across Malaysia.

MHSA, Healthcare as One.

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